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Article summary:

1. The study used the ADINA finite element calculation platform to analyze the dynamic response of a saturated soil-tunnel system under the upper limit speed driving load.

2. The results showed that the pore water pressure of the soil layer at the bottom of the tunnel increases gradually with time, and that both excess pore water pressure and strain are small under train vibration.

3. Laboratory tests were conducted on silt fine sand to further study the pore water pressure and vertical deformation development law of the tunnel bottom soil layer under subway traffic load.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information about its research methods and results, as well as references to relevant literature. However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. Firstly, there is a lack of discussion about possible risks associated with subway vibration loads, such as potential damage to structures or other underground utilities. Secondly, while laboratory tests were conducted on silt fine sand to further study the pore water pressure and vertical deformation development law of the tunnel bottom soil layer under subway traffic load, it would have been beneficial for this research if more types of soils had been tested in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how different types of soils respond to subway vibration loads. Additionally, while this article does provide some counterarguments against its claims (such as noting that excess pore water pressure is enough to dissipate during train outage), it could have explored these counterarguments in greater detail in order to provide a more balanced view on its findings.