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Article summary:

1. High-entropy-stabilized chalcogenides have the potential to improve thermoelectric performance.

2. Manipulating the configurational entropy of a material by introducing different atomic species can tune phase composition and extend the performance optimization space.

3. A high-entropy material was formed with an enhanced figure of merit (zT) value of 1.8 at 900 kelvin, leading to a thermoelectric conversion efficiency of 12.3% at temperature difference DT= 507 kelvin.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims in the form of data from experiments and simulations, as well as references to other studies in the field. The authors also provide a clear explanation of their methodology and results, which makes it easy to follow their argumentation and understand their conclusions.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the authors focus mainly on the potential benefits of high-entropy materials for thermoelectric performance without exploring any possible risks or drawbacks associated with them. Additionally, they do not present any counterarguments or alternative points of view on this topic, which could lead to a one-sided reporting of the issue.

Furthermore, some claims made in the article are not supported by evidence or data from experiments or simulations; instead they rely solely on theoretical arguments or assumptions about how these materials might behave in certain conditions. This could lead to an overestimation of their potential benefits and should be taken into consideration when evaluating the trustworthiness and reliability of this article.