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Article summary:

1. The article presents an epistemological framework called the practical inference framework for understanding value creation in relation to normative values.

2. The framework centers on practical reasoning, which is legitimized by intrinsic values, and seeks reasons and justifications rather than causes and descriptions.

3. The article argues that integrating intrinsic values into research methods can generate value-based practical insights for managers and society, filling a need in management and organization research.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How Values Ground Value Creation: The practical inference framework" by Thomas Donaldson presents an epistemological framework for understanding value creation in relation to normative values. While the article aims to address the lack of a clear framework that explains value creation and incorporate values into research methods, it has several limitations and potential biases.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on intrinsic values as the basis for value creation. The author argues that only intrinsic values can transform practical reasoning into practical wisdom or "phronesis." However, this perspective neglects other perspectives on value creation that may prioritize different types of values, such as instrumental or extrinsic values. By focusing solely on intrinsic values, the article may overlook alternative approaches to understanding and promoting value creation.

Additionally, the article makes unsupported claims about the inadequacy of existing research methods in incorporating values into research. The author suggests that traditional quantitative factor analytic methods and newer divergent methods are insufficient for capturing and integrating values into research. However, these claims are not backed up with empirical evidence or examples. Without supporting evidence, these claims remain speculative and lack credibility.

Furthermore, the article does not adequately explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on value creation. While it acknowledges the importance of fairness and sustainability as values in research agendas, it does not engage with potential criticisms or challenges to these values. This one-sided reporting limits the depth and nuance of the discussion around value creation.

The article also lacks concrete examples or case studies to illustrate how the proposed practical inference framework can be applied in practice. It remains largely theoretical without providing real-world applications or evidence of its effectiveness. This omission weakens the overall argument and leaves readers questioning the practicality and applicability of the framework.

Moreover, there is a promotional tone throughout the article, with phrases like "the holy grail of normative integration" and "the present article advances an epistemic framework." This promotional language suggests a bias towards promoting the author's framework rather than providing an objective analysis of the topic.

In terms of potential risks, the article does not adequately address the potential limitations or drawbacks of relying solely on intrinsic values for value creation. It does not consider the potential conflicts or trade-offs that may arise when different values come into play. This omission leaves readers with an incomplete understanding of the complexities and challenges associated with incorporating values into value creation processes.

Overall, while the article presents an interesting perspective on value creation and offers a theoretical framework, it has several limitations and biases that undermine its credibility. The lack of empirical evidence, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, and promotional tone weaken the overall argument and leave readers questioning the validity and applicability of the proposed framework.