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Article summary:

1. This article analyzes the influence of sedimentary-diagenetic processes on the development and preservation of porosity in the Wufeng and Longmaxi shale formations in Jiangdong Block, Fuling Shale Gas Field.

2. Different sedimentary environments control the TOC content and lithofacies of the Wufeng and Longmaxi shales, while diagenetic evolution pathways affect mineralogy and pore fluid changes, ultimately influencing porosity development and preservation.

3. Three systems were identified in the Wufeng and Longmaxi formations: Transgressive System Tract (TST), Early Highstand System Tract (EHST) and Late Highstand System Tract (LHST).

Article analysis:

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the sedimentary-diagenetic processes that influence porosity development and preservation in the Wufeng and Longmaxi shale formations in Jiangdong Block, Fuling Shale Gas Field. The article is well-structured, with clear explanations of each process discussed. The authors provide detailed descriptions of different sedimentary environments, diagenetic evolution pathways, lithofacies, mineralogy, pore fluids, organic matter content, etc., which are all supported by evidence from earth chemistry analysis, low temperature gas adsorption tests (nitrogen/CO2), core observations, thin sections and field emission scanning electron microscopy.

The article is generally reliable as it provides a thorough overview of its topic with sufficient evidence to support its claims. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the authors discuss various sedimentary environments that can influence porosity development and preservation in detail, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on these topics. Additionally, while they provide evidence for their claims from earth chemistry analysis tests as well as core observations among other sources, they do not mention any potential risks associated with these tests or methods used to obtain data for their research. Furthermore, while they discuss various diagenetic evolution pathways that can affect mineralogy and pore fluid changes in detail, they do not provide any evidence to support these claims or explore any possible counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this topic either.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of sedimentary-diagenetic processes that influence porosity development and preservation in shale formations with sufficient evidence to support its claims; however there are some potential biases