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Article summary:

1. The Trump Administration's policy of lying and denying has caused a decrease in public trust in the mainstream press.

2. Donald Trump's rhetoric of calling the news media "the enemy of the American people" has had an impact on public opinion.

3. Walter Lippmann's book "Public Opinion" from a hundred years ago is still relevant today, as it discusses how journalism is not a profession and is not always reliable or trustworthy.

Article analysis:

The article “When Americans Lost Faith in the News” by The New Yorker provides an overview of how public trust in the mainstream press has decreased due to the Trump Administration’s policy of lying and denying, as well as Donald Trump’s rhetoric of calling the news media “the enemy of the American people”. The article also references Walter Lippmann’s book “Public Opinion” from a hundred years ago, which discusses how journalism is not a profession and is not always reliable or trustworthy.

The article does provide some evidence for its claims, such as citing statistics about public trust in the news media before and after Trump took office, as well as providing examples of his rhetoric towards the press. However, there are some potential biases present in this article that should be noted. For example, while it does mention that Julian Assange allegedly intervened in the 2016 election with Russian help to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, it does not explore any counterarguments or other possible explanations for his actions. Additionally, while it mentions that journalists need access to write their stories and politicians want those stories to be friendly, it does not explore any potential risks associated with this relationship or discuss any potential conflicts of interest between journalists and politicians.

In conclusion, while this article provides some evidence for its claims regarding public trust in the news media during Trump’s presidency, there are some potential biases present that should be noted when considering its reliability and trustworthiness.