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Article summary:

1. The paper analyzes the comprehensive factors influential in road security for hazardous chemicals transportation, such as environment, population density, and emergency response time.

2. The risk levels of goods are defined by an index system consisting of “comprehensive factors influential in road security”, “safety management level of enterprises” and “transport of hazardous materials”.

3. The optimal route is found out by using Dijkstra's algorithm, providing a theory basis for the effective and practical use of routing model.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the route selection process for hazardous chemicals transportation. It outlines the various factors that need to be taken into consideration when selecting a route, such as environment, population density, emergency response time and safety management level of enterprises. The article also discusses how these factors can be weighted using analytic hierarchy process methods to calculate the weighted route length and ultimately find the optimal route using Dijkstra's algorithm.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall as it provides detailed information on the route selection process for hazardous chemicals transportation and cites relevant sources to support its claims. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the article does discuss environmental considerations when selecting a route, it does not provide any information on how these considerations might impact other stakeholders or communities along the proposed routes. Additionally, while the article does cite relevant sources to support its claims, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue which could provide further insight into this topic.