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Article summary:

1. Deep Learning has shown good results in Single Image Superresolution Reconstruction (SISR) task, but it is challenging to meet the requirements of high-quality sampling, fast sampling, and diversity of details and texture after Sampling simultaneously.

2. The proposed Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic model for Latent features (LDDPM) uses a Conditional Encoder to effectively encode LR images, Normalized Flow and Multi-modal adversarial training to model the denoising distribution with complex Multi-modal distribution, improving Generative Modeling ability with a small number of Sampling steps.

3. Experimental results on mainstream datasets demonstrate that LDDPM reconstructs more realistic HR images and obtains better PSNR and SSIM performance compared to existing SISR tasks, providing a promising solution for SISR tasks.

Article analysis:


1. 偏袒GAN


2. 缺乏对其他方法的公正评估


3. 缺少实验细节


4. 没有探索潜在风险

