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Article summary:

1. Carbon-based materials have been widely used in fabricating polymer composites/nanocomposites to improve mechanical, thermal, gas barrier, conductivity, and flame retardant performance.

2. This review article considers the most recent results regarding the use of carbon-based materials in the development of multifunctional flame retardant polymer (nano)composites.

3. Understanding the flame retardant mechanism is crucial to optimize the design of the resultant polymer (nano)composites.

Article analysis:

The article “Carbon-family materials for flame retardant polymeric materials” is a comprehensive review of the use of carbon-based materials in fabricating flame retardant polymers and nanocomposites. The article provides an overview of the fundamental flame retardant mechanisms and experimental analytical techniques used to understand their relationship with structures and properties. It also discusses a wide variety of carbon-based materials for use in flame retardant polymer nanocomposite, including graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes as well as some new emerging carbon forms (carbon nitride, carbon aerogels).

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of topics related to flame retardancy and its use of scientific evidence to support its claims. The authors provide detailed descriptions of various types of carbon-based materials and their potential applications in fire resistance polymers. They also discuss different characterization techniques that can be used to evaluate the flammability characteristics of these polymers. Furthermore, they provide an overview of both gas-phase and condensed-phase mechanisms that are involved in fire resistance processes.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in this article. For example, while it does provide an overview of different types of carbon-based materials and their potential applications in fire resistance polymers, it does not explore any possible risks associated with using these materials or any counterarguments against their use. Additionally, while it does discuss different characterization techniques that can be used to evaluate flammability characteristics, it does not provide any examples or case studies demonstrating how these techniques have been applied in practice or what results they have yielded. Finally, while it does provide an overview of both gas-phase and condensed-phase mechanisms involved in fire resistance processes, it does not discuss any other possible mechanisms or approaches that could be used for fire resistance purposes.

In conclusion, this article provides