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Article summary:

1. Teacher evaluation policies in the US aim to balance accountability and skill development.

2. A model of teacher effectiveness that includes improvement from evaluation highlights the importance of the interaction between accountability pressures and skill development supports.

3. Policies that treat evaluation for accountability and growth as substitutes outperform those that treat them as complements, with an optimal policy imposing accountability on teachers performing below a defined level while providing intensive instructional supports for those above it.

Article analysis:


首先,该文章似乎过于强调了教师评估政策对于 accountability 和 skill development 两个目标的平衡。这种平衡可能是一个虚假的二元对立,因为 accountability 和 skill development 可能并不是完全互斥的目标。此外,该文章没有考虑到其他可能影响教师绩效的因素,如学生背景、课程设计等。


最后,该文章似乎过于强调了教师评估政策对 accountability 的重要性,并忽略了可能存在的风险和负面影响。例如,在实践中,高压 accountability 策略可能会导致教育者过度关注测试成绩而忽视其他方面的学生发展。
