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Article summary:

1. Many children with special needs in Hong Kong are not receiving proper support from the government education system due to long waiting lists and a lack of resources.

2. Parents often have to resort to private care and spend significant amounts of money on therapy and medication for their children with special needs.

3. The government has implemented some measures, such as on-site preschool habilitation services and the introduction of special educational needs coordinators, but critics argue that these efforts are insufficient to address the needs of students with special needs.

Article analysis:

The article highlights the lack of proper support for Hong Kong students with special needs in the government education system. It discusses the long waiting lists for government-funded speech and occupational therapy, as well as the difficulties faced by parents in accessing early intervention services. The article also mentions the high costs associated with seeking private care and the financial burden it places on families.

One potential bias in the article is that it primarily focuses on the challenges and shortcomings of the government education system without providing a balanced perspective. While it is important to shed light on these issues, it would have been beneficial to also include information about any efforts or initiatives taken by the government to address these concerns.

Additionally, some claims made in the article are unsupported or lack evidence. For example, it states that many children with special needs aren't receiving crucial early intervention due to long waiting lists and a lack of support, but there is no data provided to support this claim. It would have been helpful to include statistics or research findings to back up this assertion.

The article also does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on how special needs education is handled in Hong Kong. This one-sided reporting limits a comprehensive understanding of the issue and prevents readers from forming their own opinions based on a range of viewpoints.

Furthermore, there is a lack of information about potential risks or challenges associated with implementing changes in special needs education. While Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's new measures are mentioned, there is no discussion about any potential drawbacks or limitations of these initiatives.

Overall, while the article raises important concerns about the support provided to students with special needs in Hong Kong, its biased reporting and lack of supporting evidence limit its effectiveness in providing a comprehensive analysis of the issue.