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Article summary:

1. NCHRP 9-10 Project: The article discusses the objective of the NCHRP 9-10 Project, which aims to evaluate the suitability of using the Superpave binder and mixture test system for modified asphalt binders. The project includes a survey of users and producers of modified asphalts and a detailed analysis of published literature.

2. Classification of binders: The article highlights the need for a classification system that differentiates between simple binders (those that exhibit simple rheological behavior) and complex binders (those that exhibit complex behavior). The current Superpave PC-grading system is based on assumptions that only apply to simple binders, so a new classification system is required.

3. New tests and methods: In addition to the classification system, the article proposes a set of new or revised tests to address characteristics specific to modified binders. These include the Particulate Additive Test (PAT) to determine effective volume concentration, the Laboratory Asphalt Stability Test (LAST) to measure storage stability and potential thermal degradation, and modifications to the RTFOT procedure for handling modified asphalts. The article presents typical results for various modified asphalts to demonstrate the utility of these tests and methods.

Article analysis:

这篇文章主要介绍了将沥青粘结剂分为简单和复杂粘结剂的分类方法,并讨论了使用Superpave粘结剂和混合料测试系统评估改性沥青粘结剂的适用性。文章指出,目前在美国和加拿大的沥青改性实践中使用的添加剂很少,而且对于将Superpave PC分级系统应用于改性粘结剂存在重大问题。因此,需要一个新的分类系统来区分可以作为PC分级系统一部分的粘结剂和不能作为一部分的粘结剂。




