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Article summary:

1. Product cannibalization is the replacement of a product with a new one from the same company, typically expressed in sales revenue.

2. Companies need to make strategic decisions and manage risks when considering cannibalizing their own products.

3. Netflix recently launched an ad-supported plan which is an example of price cannibalization rather than product cannibalization.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of product cannibalization and how companies can successfully implement it. It also provides examples from popular companies such as Google, Apple, Netflix, Amazon, and Instagram to illustrate different types of cannibalization. The article does not provide any evidence for its claims or counterarguments to explore both sides of the issue equally. Additionally, there is no mention of potential risks associated with product cannibalization or any discussion on how companies can mitigate them. Furthermore, the article does not provide any sources for its claims or references to back up its assertions which makes it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability. The article also appears to be slightly biased towards promoting Ahrefs Webmaster Tools as a cost-friendlier alternative to expensive audits without providing any evidence for this claim either. In conclusion, while the article provides an interesting overview of product cannibalization and some useful examples from popular companies, it lacks evidence and sources to back up its claims which makes it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability.