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Article summary:

1. An elementary reactions library of the E-catazone process was established to investigate interfacial reaction kinetics and the influencing mechanism of E-catazone degrading ozone-resistant drug ibuprofen.

2. Operation parameters such as current, initial pH, O3 concentration, and flowrate mainly affect •OH formation and ibuprofen removal via influencing three key interfacial reactions.

3. The degradation pathways and sites of ibuprofen were also predicted via theoretical chemistry calculation, showing that •OH attacked C(12), C(11), or C(6) atom of the benzene ring in the ibuprofen via a radical adduct formation pathway.

Article analysis:

The article “Electro-catazone treatment of ozone-resistant drug ibuprofen: Interfacial reaction kinetics, influencing mechanisms, and degradation sites” is an informative piece that provides a comprehensive overview of the electro-heterogeneous catalytic ozonation (E-catazone) process for degrading ozone-resistant drugs such as ibuprofen. The article is well written and provides detailed information on the operation parameters that influence the key interfacial reactions involved in this process. It also presents theoretical chemistry calculations to predict the degradation pathways and sites of ibuprofen.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall; however, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the article does provide a comprehensive overview of the E-catazone process for degrading ozone-resistant drugs such as ibuprofen, it does not explore any other potential advanced oxidation methods that could be used for this purpose. Additionally, while it does provide theoretical chemistry calculations to predict the degradation pathways and sites of ibuprofen, it does not provide any experimental evidence to support these claims. Furthermore, while it does discuss some potential risks associated with using this method (e.g., teratogenic toxicity or endocrine-disrupting effects), it does not explore any other possible risks or side effects associated with using this method.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy overall, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its use as a source of information on electrochemically enhanced ozone processes for degrading ozone-resistant drugs such as ibuprofen.