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Article summary:

1. A strategy is presented for the synthesis of crystalline porous covalent organic frameworks via topology-templated polymerization.

2. The template is based on imine-linked frameworks and their (001) facets seed the C=C bond formation reaction to constitute 2D sp2 carbon-conjugated frameworks.

3. This strategy enables designed synthesis of frameworks that cannot be prepared via direct polymerization, and creates a series of sp2 carbon frameworks with tetragonal, hexagonal, and kagome topologies.

Article analysis:

The article is written by a team of researchers from National University of Singapore, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and University of Tennessee. The authors have provided detailed information about their affiliations and research experience in the article which adds to its trustworthiness. The article also provides a graphical abstract which helps readers understand the main points quickly and easily. Furthermore, the authors have declared no conflict of interest which indicates that they are unbiased in their research findings.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not provide any evidence or data to support its claims about the effectiveness of this new strategy for synthesizing crystalline porous covalent organic frameworks. Additionally, it does not explore any potential risks associated with this new method or discuss any possible counterarguments against it. Finally, it does not present both sides equally as it only focuses on the advantages of this new method without considering any potential drawbacks or limitations.