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Article summary:

1. Recurrence of hepatocellular cancer (HCC) after resection is common, with 54% of patients developing recurrence at a median time of 22 months.

2. Variables associated with survival from recurrence include time from primary resection to recurrence, alpha-fetoprotein levels at recurrence, size of the recurrent tumor, BCLC stage at recurrence, and type of treatment rendered for the recurrence.

3. Meaningful survival can be achieved with appropriate treatment of recurrent tumors.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting on the patterns, treatments, and prognosis for recurrent hepatocellular cancer after resection. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the factors associated with survival after recurrence and present their prospectively applied treatment protocol in detail. The study was conducted over a long period (January 1988 to January 2011), which provides a good basis for drawing conclusions about the outcomes associated with treatments applied to recurrent tumors. Furthermore, the authors have identified variables that are significantly correlated with characteristics of the original primary tumor, which further strengthens their findings.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article's trustworthiness and reliability. For example, it is possible that certain treatments were not included in the study due to lack of access or resources available to the authors; thus, these treatments may not have been taken into account when assessing outcomes associated with treatments applied to recurrent tumors. Additionally, while the authors note that meaningful survival can be achieved with appropriate treatment of recurrent tumors, they do not provide any evidence or data to support this claim; thus it should be taken as an opinion rather than fact. Finally, while all variables except treatment modality were significantly correlated with characteristics of the original primary tumor, it is unclear how much influence each variable had on overall outcomes; thus further research is needed in order to draw more concrete conclusions about these correlations.