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Article summary:

1. Conversational AI is advancing to the point where automated systems can engage individual users in persuasive conversations.

2. These AI-driven conversational agents could be used to manipulate individuals with extreme precision and efficiency, leading to the potential for AI-powered influence campaigns.

3. Regulators must consider this an urgent danger and create guardrails that protect the public from real-time interactive manipulation through AI-driven conversational agents.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of the potential risks posed by conversational AI, particularly its ability to manipulate individuals with extreme precision and efficiency. The author draws on multiple sources to support his claims, including research papers, news articles, and interviews with experts in the field. The article also provides a balanced view of the issue, noting both the potential benefits of conversational AI as well as its potential risks.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while it does mention possible solutions such as regulation, it does not provide any concrete examples or details about how such regulations might work in practice. Additionally, while it does note that current systems are primarily text-based, it does not discuss how voice or visual elements might be used to further enhance their persuasive capabilities. Finally, while it mentions that corporations or state actors could use these systems for influence campaigns, it does not explore other potential uses such as political campaigns or marketing efforts.

In conclusion, while this article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential risks posed by conversational AI and offers some possible solutions, there are still some areas where more detail is needed in order to fully understand the implications of this technology on society.