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Article summary:

1. The paper proposes a novel mean-field framework for tackling the issue of nonseparability in dynamic mean-variance portfolio selection problems.

2. This framework offers an efficient modeling tool and an accurate solution scheme for deriving optimal policies analytically.

3. The paper provides insights into how to solve multi-period mean-variance-type portfolio selection problems.

Article analysis:

The article is written in a clear and concise manner, providing a comprehensive overview of the proposed mean-field framework for solving dynamic mean-variance portfolio selection problems. The authors provide evidence to support their claims, such as citing existing literature on the topic and providing examples of how their proposed framework can be used to solve these types of problems. Furthermore, the authors present both sides of the argument equally, noting potential risks associated with their proposed framework and exploring counterarguments that could be made against it. However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon; for example, more detail could be provided on how exactly the proposed framework works and what its limitations are. Additionally, more research should be conducted to further explore the potential applications of this framework in other contexts beyond portfolio selection problems.