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Article summary:

1. The article distinguishes between explicit or nominal cultural policies and implicit or effective cultural policies.

2. Implicit cultural policies are not labeled as cultural but work to shape cultural attitudes and habits over given territories.

3. Effective cultural policies can be found in the boardrooms of powerful transnational commercial organizations, where they remain largely implicit.

Article analysis:

The article "Cultural policy explicit and implicit: a distinction and some uses" by Jeremy Ahearne provides a useful distinction between explicit and implicit cultural policies. The author argues that while explicit cultural policies are those that are explicitly labelled as 'cultural', implicit cultural policies are not manifestly labelled as 'cultural' but work to prescribe or shape cultural attitudes and habits over given territories. The article explores the history of laicity in France, conceived initially in terms of a conflict between the implicit cultural policies of the Catholic Church and the republican State.

Overall, the article is well-written and informative, providing a useful framework for understanding different types of cultural policies. However, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider.

One potential bias is that the article focuses primarily on French examples, which may limit its applicability to other contexts. While it is understandable that the author draws on French examples given their relevance to the topic at hand, it would have been helpful to see more diverse examples from other countries or regions.

Another limitation is that the article does not provide much empirical evidence or data to support its claims. While the author cites various theoretical references and historical examples, there is little discussion of how these concepts play out in practice or how they have been studied empirically. This lack of empirical evidence may make it difficult for readers to fully evaluate the validity of the author's claims.

Additionally, while the article provides a useful framework for understanding different types of cultural policies, it does not explore potential drawbacks or risks associated with these policies. For example, implicit cultural policies may be more difficult to regulate or monitor than explicit ones, which could lead to unintended consequences or negative outcomes.

Despite these limitations, "Cultural policy explicit and implicit: a distinction and some uses" provides a valuable contribution to our understanding of cultural policy. By distinguishing between explicit and implicit policies, the article highlights important nuances in how governments seek to shape culture within their territories.