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Article summary:

1. The Aadhaar OCR solution provides two options for verification: Aadhaar+Face and Aadhaar+Face+PAN.

2. Verification without OTP is only possible through Aadhaar QR or upload methods.

3. The checked percentage of a key is determined by the ratio of verified units to total units on an uploaded document, with partially verified units having a value of 0.5 and fully verified units having a value of 1.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Aadhaar OCR (With Face & PAN) - Product - Confluence" provides a detailed explanation of the Aadhaar Card verification process using OCR technology. The article focuses on two solutions, one with Aadhaar+Face and the other with Aadhaar+Face+PAN. The use case of the PRD is to provide Aadhaar Card verification without any Aadhaar OTP and using the upload method.

The article provides a detailed flow chart and analysis of how the Aadhaar Card flow shifts from one to another flow. It also explains how uploaded documents can be taken to verified status and how key verification status is checked. However, there are some potential biases in the article that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article seems to promote the use of Aadhaar Card verification without any OTP and using the upload method. While this may be convenient for users, it raises concerns about security and privacy. The article does not address these concerns or provide any evidence to support its claims that this method is secure.

Secondly, the article only focuses on two solutions, one with Aadhaar+Face and the other with Aadhaar+Face+PAN. It does not explore other possible solutions or consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Thirdly, while the article mentions that there are error states and error mapping in place, it does not provide any details about what these errors are or how they can be resolved.

Overall, while the article provides a detailed explanation of the Aadhaar Card verification process using OCR technology, it has some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.