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Source: psychology.illinoisstate.edu
Appears well balanced

Article summary:

1. It is possible to highlight text on a PDF.

2. This article provides instructions on how to do so.

3. The article includes a visual demonstration of the process.

Article analysis:

This article is trustworthy and reliable, as it provides clear instructions on how to perform a task and includes a visual demonstration of the process. There are no biases or one-sided reporting, as the article does not make any claims or judgments about the process itself; rather, it simply provides instructions on how to complete it. Additionally, there are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration, as the article does not make any claims that require evidence or further exploration. Furthermore, there is no promotional content or partiality in the article, as it does not promote any particular product or service related to highlighting text on PDFs. Finally, possible risks are not noted in this article because there are none associated with this task; thus, both sides of the issue are presented equally.