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Article summary:

1. This article examines the morphological structure and influence factors of China's domestic civil aviation freight transport network.

2. The article uses a new civil aviation transport data from 2015 to 2019 to analyze the characteristics of the CAFT network in China, including its topological structure, hub nodes, fast-growing airports and hub cities.

3. The article also explores the influence factors that affect the centrality of nodes, such as total imports and exports, added value of industry, GDP per capita, industrial structure, railway transportation, etc.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in terms of its content and sources. It provides a comprehensive overview of China's domestic civil aviation freight transport network by using a new civil aviation transport data from 2015 to 2019. The article also presents an analysis of the characteristics of the CAFT network in China, including its topological structure, hub nodes, fast-growing airports and hub cities. Furthermore, it explores various influencing factors that affect the centrality of nodes such as total imports and exports, added value of industry, GDP per capita, industrial structure, railway transportation etc., which are all supported by relevant research studies cited throughout the text.

However there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. Firstly, while it does provide an overview of existing research on China's aviation networks and determinants for both passenger transport and cargo transport networks separately; it does not explore how these two networks may interact with each other or how they may be affected by external factors such as economic development or political changes. Secondly, while it does mention possible risks associated with air cargo transportation such as environmental pollution or safety concerns; it does not provide any detailed discussion on these topics or potential solutions to mitigate them. Finally, while it does cite relevant research studies throughout the text; some claims made in this article are not fully supported by evidence provided in those studies or lack further exploration into counterarguments or alternative perspectives on certain topics discussed in this paper.