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Article summary:

1. Click&Clean is a Private Data Cleaner for Google Chrome web browser that helps protect data security, data privacy, and keep users safe online.

2. It uses built-in Chrome capabilities together with advanced smart-cleaning techniques to perform safer and more deep cleaning without disturbing work.

3. Click&Clean has been awarded the Editor's pick 2022 badge by Software Informer.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the Click&Clean web browser extension for Google Chrome, which is designed to help users clean up their private browsing data and protect their data security, data privacy, and online privacy. The article does provide some information on how the extension works and its features, but it does not provide any evidence or research to back up its claims about the effectiveness of the extension in protecting user data security or privacy. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with using the extension or any counterarguments that could be made against it. Furthermore, while the article does mention that Click&Clean has been awarded the Editor's pick 2022 badge by Software Informer, it does not provide any details on who gave this award or what criteria were used to determine it was worthy of such an accolade. As such, it is difficult to assess the trustworthiness and reliability of this article as there are several missing points of consideration and evidence for its claims.