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Article summary:

1. Eva Kaili, a former TV news anchor and member of the European Parliament, is accused of accepting cash and gifts from Qatar and Morocco in exchange for her votes in key parliamentary resolutions.

2. The Qatargate scandal has forced the EU to confront uncomfortable truths about how it manages lobbying by foreign powers.

3. The European Parliament has announced reforms to limit so-called revolving doors, where public officials take roles in the private sector, especially lobbying.

Article analysis:

The article “Inside the ‘Qatargate’ graft scandal rocking the EU | Financial Times” is an informative piece that provides an overview of the corruption scandal involving Eva Kaili, a former TV news anchor and member of the European Parliament (MEP). The article does a good job of providing background information on Kaili’s lifestyle prior to her arrest as well as details on the allegations against her. It also outlines some of the reforms being proposed by the European Parliament in response to this scandal.

However, there are some potential issues with trustworthiness and reliability that should be noted. First, while it is clear that Kaili is accused of taking bribes from Qatar and Morocco, there is no mention of any evidence or proof that she actually did so. Additionally, while it mentions that both Qatar and Morocco deny paying bribes, there is no further exploration into their claims or any counterarguments presented. Furthermore, while it mentions some potential reforms being proposed by the European Parliament in response to this scandal, there is no discussion of whether these reforms will be effective or not. Finally, while it does provide some background information on Kaili’s lifestyle prior to her arrest, it does not explore any possible motivations she may have had for taking bribes or any other factors that could have contributed to her alleged actions.

In conclusion, while this article provides an informative overview of the Qatargate scandal involving Eva Kaili and outlines some potential reforms being proposed by the European Parliament in response to this scandal, there are some potential issues with trustworthiness and reliability that should be noted such as lack of evidence for claims made against Kaili as well as lack of exploration into counterarguments presented by Qatar and Morocco or possible motivations behind Kaili’s alleged actions.