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Article summary:

1. The research-to-practice gap in early intervention caregiver coaching practices is examined and strategies are suggested to bridge the gap.

2. Five actionable strategies for research and practice teams are proposed based on available evidence and implementation science frameworks.

3. The article reviews existing literature on parent-implemented interventions, parental self-efficacy, child care type and access, language interventions, family quality of life, video self-monitoring, triadic home-based communication interventions, communities of practice, professional development, function-based interventions, capacity building family systems intervention practices, effective coaching for early childhood educators and statewide implementation of evidence-based programs.

Article analysis:

The article Mind the Gap: Strategies to Bridge the Research-to-Practice Divide in Early Intervention Caregiver Coaching Practices by Mollie Romano and Melissa Schnurr (2022) is a comprehensive review of existing literature on various topics related to early intervention caregiver coaching practices. The authors provide five actionable strategies for research and practice teams to bridge the research-to-practice divide in this field.

The article is well researched with a comprehensive literature base that provides an extensive overview of relevant topics such as parent-implemented interventions, parental self-efficacy, child care type and access, language interventions, family quality of life etc. The authors have also provided references for each topic discussed which adds credibility to their claims. Furthermore, the authors have used implementation science frameworks to suggest five actionable strategies which makes the article more reliable as it provides practical solutions to bridge the research-to-practice divide in this field.

However there are some points that could be improved upon such as providing more detailed information about each strategy suggested by the authors or exploring counterarguments that may exist regarding these strategies. Additionally there is no mention of any potential risks associated with implementing these strategies which should be noted in order to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of any potential risks involved before they decide to implement them.

In conclusion this article provides a comprehensive overview of existing literature related to early intervention caregiver coaching practices along with five actionable strategies for bridging the research-to-practice divide in this field. However some additional information about each strategy suggested by the authors would be beneficial as well as noting any potential risks associated with implementing them so that all stakeholders can make an informed decision before doing so.