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Article summary:

1. SSRIs and internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) are recommended treatments for social anxiety disorder (SAD).

2. This study examined the effects of combined treatment with escitalopram and ICBT on monoaminergic signaling in 24 patients with SAD.

3. Results showed that serotonin-dopamine transporter co-expression influences symptom severity and remission rate in the treatment of SAD, but the monoamine transporters are modulated differently when cognitive-behavioral treatment is given concomitantly with either SSRI-medication or pill placebo.

Article analysis:

The article “Serotonin and dopamine transporter availability in social anxiety disorder after combined treatment with escitalopram and cognitive-behavioral therapy” is a well written, comprehensive study that provides valuable insights into the effects of combined treatment with escitalopram and cognitive-behavioral therapy on monoaminergic signaling in patients with social anxiety disorder. The authors have conducted a randomized double blind study to examine the effects of this combination therapy on SAD symptoms, using positron emission tomography (PET) scans to measure serotonin (SERT) and dopamine (DAT) transporter proteins. The results showed that both treatments resulted in significant improvement as measured by the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), and that serotonin-dopamine transporter co-expression influences symptom severity and remission rate in the treatment of SAD. However, they also found that the monoamine transporters are modulated differently when cognitive-behavioral treatment is given concomitantly with either SSRI medication or pill placebo.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it is based on a randomized double blind study which has been conducted according to accepted scientific standards. The authors have provided detailed information about their methods, results, and conclusions, which makes it easy for readers to evaluate their findings objectively. Furthermore, they have discussed potential limitations of their study such as small sample size, lack of control group, etc., which further adds to its credibility. In addition, all sources used by the authors have been properly cited throughout the text, making it easy for readers to verify any claims made by them.

In conclusion, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall due to its rigorous methodology and thorough discussion of potential limitations.