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Article summary:

1. Businesses and officials in Vietnam have been using bribes to buy and sell licenses for the government's rescue flights to bring overseas Vietnamese back home during the pandemic.

2. The Consular Department proposed organizing 772 flights, including 400 rescues and 372 combo flights where people pay for their own tickets and isolation fees.

3. An investigation revealed that multiple businesses and individuals paid bribes to be assigned to organize flights, while some officials bypassed the proper appraisal process to approve these assignments.

Article analysis:

The article titled "The flow of bribes to Rescue Flight" discusses the issue of bribery and corruption in the process of organizing rescue flights for overseas Vietnamese during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the topic is important and relevant, the article lacks sufficient evidence and balanced reporting, which raises concerns about its credibility and potential biases.

One of the main issues with this article is the lack of specific details and evidence to support its claims. The article mentions that businesses and officials have used bribes to buy and sell licenses for profit, but it does not provide any concrete examples or specific cases. Without such evidence, it is difficult to assess the extent of the problem or determine if it is a widespread issue or isolated incidents.

Furthermore, the article only focuses on one side of the story - the alleged corruption by businesses and officials. It does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives that could provide a more balanced view of the situation. This one-sided reporting undermines the credibility of the article and suggests a potential bias towards portraying corruption as a pervasive problem.

Additionally, there are missing points of consideration in this article. It fails to address why businesses would resort to bribery in order to organize rescue flights. Are there systemic issues or bureaucratic hurdles that make it difficult for businesses to operate legally? Without exploring these factors, it is challenging to fully understand the motivations behind bribery in this context.

Moreover, while the article mentions that investigations have been conducted by the Investigation Security Agency of the Ministry of Public Security, it does not provide any details about their findings or conclusions. This lack of information makes it difficult to evaluate the validity and reliability of these investigations.

Another concern is that this article contains promotional content for An Binh Commercial, Tourism and Aviation Services Company Limited (An Binh Company). The company's General Director, Hoang Dieu Mo, is mentioned as being among the first to join and license combo flights. The inclusion of this information without proper context or justification raises questions about the intentions behind promoting this specific company.

Overall, this article lacks sufficient evidence, balanced reporting, and exploration of alternative perspectives. It presents a one-sided view of the issue of bribery in organizing rescue flights during the pandemic and fails to provide a comprehensive analysis. As a result, readers should approach the information presented with caution and seek additional sources for a more complete understanding of the topic.