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Article summary:

1. The authors examine the phenomenon of online platforms polarizing user attention and consumption using a quasi-experiment conducted by Zhihu, the largest online knowledge-sharing platform in China.

2. They find that a switch from content-based filtering to social filtering algorithms increased the creation of social ties but decreased question subscriptions and answer contributions.

3. The authors explain these findings by exploring the underlying mechanism, showing that compared with content-based filtering algorithms, social filtering algorithms are more likely to expose general users to content consumed by their followees.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims and explores the underlying mechanisms behind its findings. It also presents both sides of the argument equally, noting potential risks associated with recommendation algorithms such as filter bubbles and intellectual isolation. However, there are some points of consideration that are missing from the article. For example, it does not explore how different types of users may be affected differently by recommendation algorithms or how these algorithms may affect user engagement over time. Additionally, while it mentions potential risks associated with recommendation algorithms, it does not provide any solutions or recommendations for mitigating these risks. Finally, while the authors note that their study was conducted on Zhihu, they do not discuss whether their findings can be generalized to other online platforms or if there are any differences between them that should be taken into account when interpreting their results.