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Article summary:

1. This article introduces a transitional mesh generation procedure based on blending and sweeping functions.

2. The procedure produces quad-dominated meshes with varying element densities from one part of the mesh to another.

3. The procedure is demonstrated using typical transitional meshes.

Article analysis:

This article provides a detailed overview of a finite element transitional mesh generation technique, which is based on blending and sweeping functions. The article is well-structured and provides clear explanations of the technique, as well as examples of how it can be used to generate meshes with varying element densities from one part of the mesh to another. The authors provide references to other works in the field, which adds credibility to their claims and demonstrates that they have conducted thorough research into the topic.

The article does not appear to contain any biases or unsupported claims, nor does it present any partiality or promotional content. All points are presented objectively and both sides of an argument are explored equally where applicable. Possible risks associated with the technique are noted, such as potential errors in mesh generation due to incorrect input parameters or data structures, which helps readers understand the limitations of the technique before attempting to use it themselves.

In conclusion, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy, providing an accurate overview of a finite element transitional mesh generation technique without any bias or unsupported claims.