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Article summary:

1. Green tea contains catechins, a class of low molecular weight polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

2. A randomized double-blind, controlled parallel multicenter trial was conducted to examine the body fat reducing effect of the continuous ingestion of a green tea extract (GTE) high in catechins in more than 200 Japanese women and men who were maintaining their usual lifestyles.

3. The GTE beverage high in catechins was prepared by adding GTE powders to the base beverage to give ∼600 mg of catechins/340 mL

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable as it provides detailed information about the research methods used, including the design, subjects, test substance, and measurements taken. The study was conducted according to the Helsinki Declaration under the supervision of clinical investigators and all subjects provided informed consent for their findings to be published. Furthermore, the study was conducted on a large scale with over 200 participants which increases its reliability.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. Firstly, all participants were Japanese which may limit generalizability as results may not be applicable to other populations or cultures. Secondly, although energy and fat intake were not limited throughout the trial period, supplemental food products or medications known to influence lipid or carbohydrate metabolism were prohibited which could affect results. Finally, tea and coffee consumption was not limited throughout the trial period which could also affect results as caffeine has been shown to have an effect on energy expenditure and lipid oxidation.