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Article summary:

1. The Davos Debate in the History of Thought: The article discusses the landmark debate between Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger at an international university course in Davos in 1929. This debate marked the end of the German Neo-Kantian movement and heralded the parting of analytic philosophy and European continental philosophy.

2. Philosophical Differences between Cassirer and Heidegger: The article highlights the philosophical differences between Cassirer and Heidegger, particularly their views on ontology, cultural creativity, and human existence. Cassirer defended the infinity of human cultural creativity, while Heidegger emphasized a return to finitude and historical situation.

3. Methodological Differences between Cassirer and Heidegger: The article also notes that Cassirer and Heidegger had different philosophical methods, with Cassirer emphasizing language and symbolic forms as means of conceptualizing the world, while Heidegger focused on authentic existence and being thrown into the world. These methodological differences contributed to their philosophical disagreements.

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