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Article summary:

1. Radio listeners have increasingly begun to tune in online and interact with radio through various platforms, including mobile apps and social media.

2. Radio-based approaches to transmedia content have been less understood compared to commercial film, television, and gaming.

3. Transmedia engagement is an approach to media production based on a logic of intensifying and prolonging audience engagement for both creative and commercial reasons.

Article analysis:

The article "All platforms considered: Contemporary radio and transmedia engagement" by Maura Edmond explores the evolution of radio in the digital age and its experimentation with cross-media practices. The author argues that radio has been overlooked in research into transmedia practices, despite its cultural renaissance and unique characteristics such as intimacy, immediacy, and trustworthiness.

The article provides several examples of recent radio projects that have expanded their engagement with audiences through various platforms such as mobile apps, social media, live performances, online videos, maps, tweets, blogs, forums, essays, photographs, and interactive websites. These projects challenge traditional assumptions about transmedia engagement and offer a starting point for future research.

However, the article has some potential biases and missing points of consideration. Firstly, it focuses mainly on radio-based approaches to transmedia content without exploring other forms of media. Secondly, it does not provide enough evidence to support some of its claims about the impact of these new forms of radio on audience engagement or their historical precedents. Thirdly, it does not explore counterarguments or possible risks associated with these new forms of engagement.

Moreover, the article seems to be promotional in nature as it highlights successful examples of contemporary radio projects without providing a balanced view of their limitations or failures. It also presents only one side of the argument by emphasizing the positive aspects of these new forms of engagement while neglecting potential drawbacks or criticisms.

In conclusion, while the article offers valuable insights into contemporary radio practices and their relationship with transmedia engagement, it could benefit from a more balanced approach that considers both sides of the argument and provides more evidence to support its claims.