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Article summary:

1. Recent history indicates that Russia's expected offensive will not succeed, as it has had only five weeks of major winning out of over fifty weeks since its February 24, 2022 escalation of the war against Ukraine.

2. Russia has experienced a massive net loss of territory that it occupies in Ukraine for more than ten months straight.

3. There are a number of other factors that mean whatever may be Russia’s offensive will not succeed, such as its lack of resources and personnel, the strength and resilience of Ukrainian forces, and the presence of international support for Ukraine.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Brian E. Frydenborg who is an experienced journalist with credentials from various sources such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Small Wars Journal, Real Clear Defense etc., which makes it reliable to some extent. The article provides evidence for its claims in the form of maps and links to other articles which further strengthens its credibility.

However, there are certain points which make this article slightly biased towards Ukraine's side in the conflict. For example, while discussing Russia's expected offensive capabilities, the author does not mention any potential advantages or strengths that Russia might have over Ukraine in terms of military power or resources. Furthermore, while discussing recent history between both countries in terms of territorial gains/losses, the author does not provide any evidence or data to back up his claims about Russia's losses being greater than their gains during this period.

Additionally, while discussing international support for Ukraine in terms of military aid or diplomatic backing from other countries like US or EU states, the author does not mention any potential support that Russia might be receiving from other countries like China or Belarus which could potentially help them gain an advantage over Ukraine in this conflict.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable due to its evidence-based approach and credentials from various sources mentioned above; however there are certain points where it can be seen as slightly biased towards one side due to lack of evidence provided for certain claims made by the author and lack of discussion about potential advantages that Russia might have over Ukraine in this conflict.