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Article summary:

1. The interactions of copper ions with humic acids from four peat soils were studied to determine the physicochemical properties that may influence these interactions.

2. The binding of copper ions was stronger for humic acids with higher aromaticity and humification degree.

3. The coagulation mechanism at pH 7 was based on the neutralization of HA functional groups by copper ions, while coagulation at pH 5 was controlled by ionic strength.

Article analysis:

The article “Effects of selected chemical and physicochemical properties of humic acids from peat soils on their interaction mechanisms with copper ions at various pHs” is a well-researched and reliable source of information about the interactions between copper ions and humic acids from peat soils. The authors have provided a comprehensive overview of the relevant literature, as well as detailed descriptions of their own experiments and results. The article is written in an objective manner, presenting both sides equally and providing evidence for all claims made. Furthermore, the authors have taken into account potential risks associated with their experiments, noting that excessive doses of metal sorbed on HAs can cause saturation of HA negative surface charges, leading to soil pollution or micronutrient deficiency for plants. In conclusion, this article is a trustworthy and reliable source of information about the interactions between copper ions and humic acids from peat soils.