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Article summary:

1. Alby is a universal browser extension and client for interacting with the Nostr protocol called Nostrgram.

2. Alby allows users to interact with Bitcoin in a simple and convenient way through the Lightning network.

3. Users can create a Nostr account through Alby and easily send and receive lightning payments using their Lightning Address.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Что такое Nostr и как им пользоваться. Аккаунт в Ностр" provides a guide to two applications, Alby's universal browser extension and client for interacting with the Nostr protocol called Nostrgram. The article claims that these two applications complement each other perfectly and are designed to work together.

The article starts by explaining the need for Alby, which allows users to interact with Bitcoin in a simple and convenient way through the Lightning network. However, the article fails to provide any evidence or sources to support this claim. It also does not mention any possible risks associated with using Bitcoin or the Lightning network.

The article then goes on to describe the various functions of Alby, such as sending and receiving sats, setting separate budgets for spending on each site, and storing Nostr accounts. While these functions are useful, the article seems promotional in nature and does not provide a balanced view of the application.

The article also provides a brief overview of how to install Alby and create an account through its service. However, it does not mention any alternative methods of creating an account or using the application.

Furthermore, the article mentions Nostrgram briefly but does not provide any details about its features or how it works. This lack of information makes it difficult for readers to understand how Nostrgram complements Alby or why they should use both applications together.

Overall, the article appears biased towards promoting Alby and does not provide a comprehensive analysis of its features or potential risks associated with using it. It also lacks information about Nostrgram and how it works. As such, readers may find this guide incomplete and potentially misleading.