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Article summary:

1. The Sandpoint City Council has approved the second year of the Sandpoint City Beach goose hunt, which will take place in Nov. 2023.

2. Over 100 people entered their names in the draft for a goose hunt permit in 2022, with seven days total allotted to participate in the goose hunt.

3. The Sandpoint City Council passed the Authorization for the Issuance of Permits to Discharge Firearms at Sandpoint City Beach Park Under Specified Rules for the Purpose of a Goose Hunt.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides accurate information about the approval of the second year of the Sandpoint City Beach goose hunt, which will take place in Nov. 2023. It also provides details about how many people entered their names in the draft for a goose hunt permit in 2022 and how many days were allotted to participate in the goose hunt. Furthermore, it mentions that the Sandpoint City Council passed an authorization for permits to discharge firearms at Sandpoint City Beach Park under specified rules for this purpose.

However, there are some potential biases present in this article that should be noted. Firstly, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with this activity or any counterarguments from those who oppose it. Secondly, there is promotional content included at the end of the article regarding KREM's social media accounts and streaming device app, which could be seen as an attempt to increase viewership and engagement with their platform rather than providing unbiased information about this topic. Additionally, there is no mention of any other sources or evidence used to support these claims made by KREM or any exploration into both sides of this issue equally.