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Article summary:

1. News Corp is a global media and information services company that produces authoritative and engaging content.

2. Dow Jones, Barron's, BigCharts, Dow Jones Businesses, Dow Jones Newswires, Factiva, Financial News, Mansion Global, MarketWatch, Newsmart, NewsPlus, Risk & Compliance, WSJ Live, WSJ Pro, WSJ Video and WSJ.com are all products and services of News Corp.

3. The Wall Street Journal Chinese website provides news coverage on international affairs as well as China's financial markets, economy and business sectors with multimedia videos and special reports.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in terms of its accuracy of facts about the company News Corp and its various products and services. However there are some potential biases to consider when reading the article. For example it does not provide any counterarguments or opposing views to the claims made about the company’s products and services which could lead to a one-sided reporting of the story. Additionally there is no evidence provided for any of the claims made which could lead to an unreliable source of information for readers. Furthermore there is promotional content throughout the article which could be seen as biased towards News Corp’s products and services without providing any other alternatives or options for readers to consider. Lastly there is partiality in terms of only presenting one side of the story without exploring any possible risks associated with using these products or services which could lead to an incomplete understanding by readers.