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Article summary:

1. Molecular composition of DOM was studied along a small river in the Harz Mountains, Germany using FTIR, Py-GC–MS and THM-GC–MS.

2. Microbial DOM replaces peatland-derived DOM along the river transect due to leaching and selective co-precipitation with mineral particulate matter from the forest soils.

3. A combination of techniques allows reliable assessment of DOM quality.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable, as it provides detailed information on the methods used to study the molecular composition of DOM along a small river in the Harz Mountains, Germany. The authors provide evidence for their claims by citing relevant literature and providing supplementary data in Appendix A. Furthermore, they discuss potential sources of bias and present both sides of the argument equally.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon. For example, while the authors discuss potential sources of bias, they do not explore counterarguments or possible risks associated with their findings. Additionally, while they provide evidence for their claims, they do not provide any evidence for missing points of consideration or unexplored counterarguments that could have been discussed in more detail. Furthermore, there is no mention of promotional content or partiality in the article which could be addressed if included in future versions.