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Article summary:

1. Indonesia's Muslim fashion industry is expanding, allowing young Muslim women to become successful entrepreneurs while adhering to religious practices.

2. Female Muslim fashion entrepreneurs frame their success using individualistic and virtuous registers, emphasizing passion, talent, hard work, and commitment to religious practices.

3. The article calls for a critical reading of Muslim women's economic participation and highlights the exploitation of lower-class young women's labor in home-based garment workshops or konveksi.

Article analysis:

The article "Out of thin air: emerging Muslim fashion entrepreneurs and the spectre of labour in Indonesia" explores the rise of female Muslim fashion designers and business owners in Indonesia. The author argues that the expansion of the Muslim fashion industry allows young Muslim women to become successful entrepreneurs while remaining virtuous Muslims. However, the article also highlights concerns about labor conditions for lower-class Muslim women working in home-based garment workshops or konveksi.

One potential bias in this article is its focus on the exploitation of lower-class young women's labor. While this is an important issue, it may overshadow the successes and agency of middle-class young women who are also participating in the industry. Additionally, the article does not provide evidence to support its claim that labor conditions are dismissible to these entrepreneurs.

Another missing point of consideration is the role of government policies and regulations in shaping labor conditions within the industry. The article briefly mentions state support for creative and digital economy but does not explore how these policies impact labor practices.

Furthermore, there is a lack of exploration into counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this topic. For example, some may argue that entrepreneurship provides opportunities for economic mobility and empowerment for women who may otherwise face limited job prospects.

Overall, while this article raises important concerns about labor conditions within Indonesia's Muslim fashion industry, it could benefit from a more balanced approach that considers both successes and challenges faced by female Muslim entrepreneurs.