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Source: elearning.ump.edu.vn
Appears moderately imbalanced

Article summary:

1. Students must protect their accounts and take full responsibility if someone else uses it for malicious purposes.

2. The eLearning page should only be used for educational purposes and not to post inappropriate content.

3. Contact information is provided for further assistance.

Article analysis:

The article provides clear guidelines on how to use the eLearning page, which is beneficial for students who are unfamiliar with the platform. However, there is a lack of detail regarding potential risks associated with using the platform, such as cyberbullying or data breaches. Additionally, the article does not provide any evidence to support its claims or explore counterarguments that may exist. Furthermore, the contact information provided is limited to one source and does not include other resources that may be available to students in need of assistance. Finally, the article does not present both sides of an argument equally and could be seen as biased towards promoting the use of the eLearning page without considering potential drawbacks or risks associated with it.