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Article summary:

1. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's claims about crime statistics are misleading, as she compares them to the worst year for murders in 25 years instead of the pre-Covid, pre-George Floyd year of 2019.

2. Crime in Chicago is often undercounted due to unreported incidents and certain crime categories not being included in police department summaries.

3. Using the correct baseline year of 2019, major crimes in Chicago are up 15% compared to the same period in 2022, and many crime victims do not report their victimizations due to fear or lack of faith in the system.

Article analysis:

该文章对芝加哥犯罪率进行了分析,但存在一些偏见和不完整的报道。首先,作者批评了芝加哥市长Lori Lightfoot使用2021年作为比较基准,而不是2019年。然而,作者没有提到2020年全球大流行和乔治·弗洛伊德之死对犯罪率的影响。这些事件可能导致2019年与2022年之间的差距更大。



