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Article summary:

1. iRhoms are catalytically inactive proteins that have important functions in their own right, often derived from the role of their active enzyme ancestors.

2. iRhoms have reported functions in protein homoeostasis, ER to Golgi trafficking, and regulating the cellular response to viruses.

3. iRhoms have a role in processes associated with ER stress responses, including triggering the degradation of EGF-ligands and regulating proteasome activity under ER stress conditions.

Article analysis:



最后,在讨论ER应激诱导细胞死亡机制时,文章强调了CHOP和TRAF2/ASK1/JNK/p38 kinase级联反应对于细胞凋亡起着重要作用。然而,文章并未提及其他可能涉及到细胞死亡的机制(如线粒体途径),从而使得读者难以全面理解ER应激诱导细胞死亡的复杂性。
