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Article summary:

1. Mindfulness is associated with pro-environmental behavior through cognitive reappraisal and climate change awareness.

2. Nature connectedness positively relates to global climate change perception and negatively moderates the relationship of mindfulness with pro-environmental behavior.

3. This study provides theoretical and practical implications for understanding the influence of mindfulness on pro-environmental behavior.

Article analysis:

The article “How does mindfulness relate to proenvironmental behavior? The mediating influence of cognitive reappraisal and climate change awareness” is a well-researched, comprehensive, and reliable source of information on the topic. The authors provide a thorough review of the literature on the subject, as well as an in-depth analysis of their own findings. The article is unbiased in its presentation of facts and evidence, providing both sides equally without any promotional content or partiality. Furthermore, it acknowledges potential risks associated with its findings and provides counterarguments for them. In conclusion, this article can be considered a trustworthy source of information on the topic.