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Article summary:

1. Otto Warburg pioneered quantitative investigations of cancer cell metabolism, as well as photosynthesis and respiration.

2. Warburg and co-workers showed in the 1920s that, under aerobic conditions, tumour tissues metabolize approximately tenfold more glucose to lactate in a given time than normal tissues, a phenomenon known as the Warburg effect.

3. Many cancers exhibit the Warburg effect while retaining mitochondrial respiration, which is linked to alterations of mitochondrial DNA, oncogenes and tumour suppressors and thus exploitable for cancer therapy.

Article analysis:

The article “Otto Warburg's contributions to current concepts of cancer metabolism” is an informative review of Otto Warburg’s pioneering work on cancer metabolism and its implications for current research into cancer therapies. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the history of Warburg’s research and its relevance to modern understanding of cancer metabolism. It also provides an up-to-date analysis of the current state of knowledge regarding the role of mitochondria in cancer cells and how this can be exploited for therapeutic purposes.

The article is written by experts in the field who have conducted extensive research into this topic, making it highly reliable and trustworthy. The authors provide evidence from multiple sources to support their claims, including peer-reviewed studies published in reputable journals such as Nature Reviews Cancer, Seminars in Cancer Biology, Oncotarget, Journal of Molecular Medicine-jmm, Molecular Biology Reports and Experimental And Molecular Pathology. Furthermore, they cite relevant literature throughout the article to back up their arguments and provide further information on related topics.

The article does not appear to contain any bias or one-sided reporting; instead it presents both sides equally with no apparent agenda or promotional content. All potential risks are noted where appropriate and all claims are supported by evidence from reliable sources. The only potential issue with the article is that some counterarguments may have been overlooked or unexplored; however this does not detract from its overall trustworthiness or reliability.