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Article summary:

1. COVID-19 ARDS is a serious complication of COVID-19 that requires early recognition and comprehensive management.

2. COVID-19 ARDS has different features compared to typical pre-COVID-19 ARDS, including unique radiology features and a higher mortality rate.

3. The strategy of breathing support is crucial in treating COVID-19 ARDS, with prone ventilation appearing to be beneficial and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation considered as a rescue option.

Article analysis:

The article "COVID‐19 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): clinical features and differences from typical pre‐COVID-19 ARDS" provides a summary of the current understanding of COVID-19 ARDS based on published literature and clinical experience. The article highlights the unique features of COVID-19 ARDS compared to typical ARDS caused by other pathogens, including its predictable time course, distinctive radiology, and high mortality rates.

One potential bias in the article is that it relies heavily on clinical experience from Singapore and Wuhan, which may not be representative of other regions or populations. Additionally, the article does not provide a comprehensive review of all available literature on COVID-19 ARDS, which could lead to one-sided reporting or unsupported claims.

The article also lacks discussion of potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the management and treatment of COVID-19 ARDS. For example, while prone ventilation is suggested as beneficial for COVID-19 ARDS, some studies have found no significant difference in outcomes between prone and supine positioning. Similarly, while extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is recommended as a rescue therapy for severe cases of COVID-19 ARDS, there are concerns about its safety and efficacy.

Overall, while the article provides useful insights into the clinical features and management of COVID-19 ARDS, readers should be aware of its potential biases and limitations. Further research is needed to fully understand this novel disease and develop effective treatments.