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Article summary:

1. The total amount of urban area that can potentially become inundated due to floods from the sea or main rivers has increased six-fold during the 20th century, and may double again during the 21st century.

2. Potential flood damage is projected to increase two to ten times over the 21st century.

3. High economic growth scenarios may not necessarily be worse than low growth scenarios in terms of the impact of floods.

Article analysis:

The article “Development of Flood Exposure in the Netherlands During the 20th and 21st Century” provides an overview of potential flood exposure in the Netherlands over time, with a focus on urban areas and potential damages associated with flooding. The article is generally well-written and provides a comprehensive overview of its topic, however there are some issues that should be noted when assessing its trustworthiness and reliability.

First, it should be noted that while the article does provide an overview of potential flood exposure in both the 20th and 21st centuries, it does not provide any evidence for its claims regarding future trends in flooding or potential damages associated with flooding. This lack of evidence makes it difficult to assess whether or not these claims are accurate or reliable. Additionally, while the article does mention possible risks associated with flooding, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue which could have provided a more balanced view on this topic.

Furthermore, while the article does provide an overview of potential flood exposure in both centuries, it fails to consider other factors such as climate change which could have a significant impact on future flooding trends and damages associated with them. Additionally, while it mentions economic growth as a factor influencing potential damages associated with flooding, it fails to consider other factors such as population growth which could also have an impact on this issue.

In conclusion, while “Development of Flood Exposure in the Netherlands During the 20th and 21st Century” provides an overview of potential flood exposure in both centuries, there are some issues that should be noted when assessing its trustworthiness and reliability including lack of evidence for its claims regarding future trends in flooding or potential damages associated with flooding; failure to explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives; failure to consider other factors such as climate change; and failure to consider other factors such as population growth which could also have an impact on this issue.