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Article summary:

1. The jet-propulsion method of sea salp provides a promising locomotion mechanism for bio-inspired robots.

2. It is feasible to use fully passive valves whose opening and closing actions are driven solely by the hydrodynamic load in these systems, reducing the complexity of locomotion devices based on this design.

3. The stiffness and inertia of the valves have an effect on swimming performance, with stiff and heavy valves increasing swimming speed and soft and light valves decreasing the cost of transport.

Article analysis:

The article "Feasibility of Hydrodynamically Activated Valves for Salp-like Propulsion" explores the potential use of passive valves in a salp-like propulsion system. The study uses an axisymmetric fluid-structure interaction model to investigate the feasibility and reliability of using fully passive valves whose opening and closing actions are driven solely by hydrodynamic load. The authors find that it is feasible to use such valves, which greatly reduces the complexity of locomotion devices based on this design.

The article provides a detailed description of the physical configuration and kinematics of the salp-like system, including a deformable shell and two rigid one-way valves. The re-filling jetting cycle is achieved through cyclic inflation-deformation deformations of the shell, while the rotations of the valves are restricted within a range determined by conservation of angular momentum.

The study examines the effect of design parameters such as stiffness and inertia on swimming performance. It finds that stiff and heavy valves increase swimming speed, while soft and light valves decrease cost of transport.

Overall, the article presents a well-researched investigation into the potential use of passive valves in a salp-like propulsion system. However, it does not explore potential limitations or risks associated with this approach. Additionally, there may be biases towards promoting this particular design without considering alternative approaches or counterarguments. Further research would be needed to fully evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using passive valves in bio-inspired robots.