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Article summary:

1. This paper examines the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of travel demands to North Korea from Chinese tourists.

2. The findings show that the travel demands from 2011 to 2018 showed an overall trend of initial increase followed by later decrease, with a significant seasonal difference.

3. The main influencing factors of tourism demand to North Korea are holidays, population, GDP, per capita disposable income, Internet penetration and education.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting on the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of travel demands to North Korea from Chinese tourists. The authors have used Baidu Index data as their primary source for their research, which is a reliable source of information on Chinese tourist trends. Furthermore, the authors have provided evidence for their claims in the form of figures and tables which support their conclusions.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. Firstly, the authors have only discussed one side of the issue – that is, how Chinese tourists’ travel demands to North Korea differ spatially and temporally – without exploring any counterarguments or other perspectives on this issue. Secondly, while the authors have discussed some potential influencing factors such as holidays, population size etc., they have not explored other possible factors such as political tensions between China and North Korea or economic sanctions imposed by other countries on North Korea which could also affect Chinese tourist trends to North Korea. Finally, while the authors have provided evidence for their claims in terms of figures and tables, they do not provide any further explanation or analysis of these figures which could help readers better understand their conclusions.