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Article summary:

1. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the incidence and risk factors of vertebral re-fracture after PVP/PKP for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF) in Eastern Asia.

2. The results showed that female sex, older age, lower bone mineral density (BMD), bone cement leakages, anterior-to-posterior vertebral body height ratio (AP ratio), visual analog scale score (VAS) and kyphotic angle correction ratio (Cobb ratio) were associated with an increased risk of re-fracture.

3. Anti-osteoporosis treatment was found to be a protective factor against re-fracture.

Article analysis:

This systematic review and meta-analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the risk factors associated with vertebral re-fracture after PVP/PKP for OVCF in Eastern Asia. The authors conducted a thorough search of relevant literature published up to November 2021 from PubMed, Embase and Web of Science, and followed the PRISMA guidelines to extract data associated with risk factors of SVCF. The results showed that female sex, older age, lower BMD, bone cement leakages, AP ratio, VAS score and Cobb ratio were associated with an increased risk of re-fracture while anti-osteoporosis treatment was found to be a protective factor against re-fracture.

The article is generally reliable as it follows the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses and provides detailed information on the methods used in the study as well as its results. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when interpreting the findings of this study. Firstly, all studies included in this review were from Eastern Asia which may limit its generalizability to other regions or populations. Secondly, there is no discussion on possible confounding factors such as lifestyle habits or comorbidities which could have an impact on the risk of re-fracture after PVP/PKP surgery. Finally, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with anti-osteoporosis treatment which could be important for patients considering such treatments.