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Article summary:

1. This article studies the work hardening gradient generated by conventional shot peening, taking into account different shot peening parameters.

2. The work hardening is characterized by residual isotropic hardening (RIH) and residual kinematic hardening (RKH), which are expressed through two RKH parameters δ∗ and θ∗.

3. Several models are deduced based on δ∗ to predict the residual stress profiles of the shot peened materials.

Article analysis:

The article “Peening-induced work hardening gradient and prediction of residual stress for a shot peened structure” is a well-researched and comprehensive study on the effects of different shot peening parameters on the generation of Peening-WH gradient. The authors have used two materials with pure isotropic hardening and combined isotropic/kinematic hardening behaviours, respectively, to analyze the effects of shot size, impact velocity, incidence angle and coverage on the generation of Peening-WH gradient. The results indicate that θ∗ varies around π in the whole plastically affected region, while δ∗ presents a small difference in its in-depth variation for the two materials. On this basis, several models are deduced based on δ∗ to predict the residual stress profiles of the shot peened materials.

The article is reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the research methodology used by the authors as well as their findings from experiments conducted using two different materials with different hardening behaviours. Furthermore, all claims made in this article are supported by evidence from experiments or simulations conducted by other researchers in related fields. Additionally, all possible risks associated with shot peening processes have been noted throughout this article.

However, there are some points that could be further explored in this article such as how other factors such as temperature can affect Peening-WH gradient or how these findings can be applied to other types of shot peened structures such as aircraft components or automotive parts. Additionally, more information about how these findings can be used to improve fatigue properties of metallic components could also be included in this article for better understanding of its practical applications.