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Article summary:

1. Chat GPT is a generative AI platform that has sparked both fear and excitement in the tech world.

2. AI can be used to reduce costs of delivering services and products to people in less developed parts of the world.

3. Recent advancements in generative AI have enabled machines to create original images and visuals, as demonstrated by software engineers trained by Holberton.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims with examples such as Chat GPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and Holberton's software engineering training program. The article also presents both sides of the issue - fear and excitement - when discussing the implications of generative AI platforms. However, there are some potential biases present in the article that should be noted. For example, the author does not explore any counterarguments or potential risks associated with using generative AI platforms; instead they focus solely on the positive aspects of these technologies. Additionally, there is a lack of evidence for some of the claims made in the article; for instance, there is no evidence provided to support the claim that AI can help reduce poverty levels in less developed countries. Finally, while the article does mention some potential benefits of generative AI platforms, it does not provide an equal amount of coverage to their potential drawbacks or risks.